Relocation Inspectors in Chicago

Relocation Inspectors in ChicagoRelocation is when a property is being sold due to the homeowner relocating for their employer. There aren’t a lot of differences between a sale and a relocation sale except Relocation Inspectors have a different checklist to go over in their inspections. The Relocation Inspectors will still focus on the structure of the home, as well as the heating, ventilation system, the AC and any electrical or plumbing issues.

At Cliff Kapson Consulting, we are a team of Relocation Inspectors that pride ourselves on our work. We work directly with Relocation companies to supply an accurate report of a home inspection. Our knowledge regarding relocation policies are why relocation companies continue to choose us when they need Relocation Inspectors. If you’re seeking the same, pick up the phone and call us at 888-304-3437 or fill out the form on this page.

Preparing for Relocation Inspectors

Relocation Inspectors will go through your home and assess your heating and AC unit, all electrical and plumbing areas and the roof of the home. The job is to evaluate what working order these essentials are in. As the homeowner needing the Relocation Inspector, you can prepare for the inspection by clearing the perimeter, replacing bulbs that are out to supply ample light where needed and making sure that appliances are all in working order.

Every little bit of help you can supply Relocation Inspectors will only ensure that they spend less time going through your home and they can fill out the report as accurately as possible. When you use Cliff Kapson Consulting as your Relocation Inspectors you’ll not only receive a full report regarding any problems discovered, you’ll also receive components of the property that are in good working order and properly integrated.

Experience in Chicago

Cliff Kapson Consulting has over 20 years of experience as Relocation Inspectors serving the Chicago area. We are happy to answer any questions you may have. Just pick up the phone and call us today at 888-304-3437 or fill out the form on this page.

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Relocation Inspectors