Home Exterior Inspections

Home Exterior Inspections

Cliff Klapson home exterior inspection, your inspector will check things like your roof, plumbing, electricity, and even your attic. As a seller, you want to have a few things to fix as possible, but as a buyer, you also hope that the list is short. Buyers will also want to ensure that there aren’t any significant problems inside or outside the house. Buying a home isn’t cheap, so the last thing a new homeowner wants to do is fix something.

Cliff Kapson Consulting, Ltd. provides the most thorough Home Exterior Inspections. We have been in business for more than two decades as well. If you need a reliable home inspector, call us at 888-304-3437 or fill out the form on this page.

The Need for Home Exterior Inspections

If you’ve lived at your home for a few years and you have stucco or dryvit in place, you should consider having routine home exterior inspections. Dryvit and Stucco applications can degrade over time, causing moisture leakage into the structure of the home, which can lead to catastrophic damage. Regular home exterior inspections can help you catch the issue prior to it becoming a major issue and saving thousands of dollars.

You might want to hire a trained inspector for your Home Exterior Inspection. The inspection needs to be done by someone with the skills and experience to know exactly what to look for. You’ll want someone who knows exactly what to look for in your new home, from problems with the drainage to bad airflow in the attic.

Full Reports from Home Exterior Inspections

At Cliff Kapson Consulting, we give our clients a full report of our Home Exterior Inspection. Even though we don’t do repairs ourselves, we’ll give you a complete list of everything that needs fixing so you can get in touch with the right people at the right time. To get started, call us at 888-304-3437 or fill out the form on this page. We’ll find a time that works for you.

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Home Exterior Inspections