Commercial Property Inspection in Naperville

Commercial Property Inspection in NapervilleA visual inspection of a building that’s carried out by a fully qualified professional is a Commercial Property Inspection. Many people believe an inspection is an inspection but there is quite a difference between a home inspection and a Commercial Property Inspection. Unlike home inspections, a Commercial Property Inspection had different costs, liabilities, and standards to follow. Depending on the property, you’ll need to determine which kind of inspection you need. For all your Commercial Property Inspections, call Cliff Kapson Consulting. We can be reached at 888-304-3437 or fill out the form on this page and we’ll be in touch.

Inspections vary by Structure

A Commercial Property Inspection is one that’s performed on numerous structures. Retail, grocery, factories, warehouse and many more are the structures that would require a Commercial Property Inspection in the event that someone is looking to purchase the building. An inspector will evaluate the property visually to determine the worth of the purchase. After providing a full report to the potential purchaser, a fully informed decision can be made.

The inspection report will include a full analysis of the building’s structural condition, roof, HVAC, plumbing, and electrical system. The Commercial Property Inspection gives the inspector permission to review appraisals, building plans, construction permits, and any documents that will help with the inspection process. After the full inspection is done, the inspector will detail any major damage. At which point, the damage will have to be repaired and rectified in order for the purchase to go through. However, sometimes, a seller will lower the cost of the purchase instead of repairing the damage.

Twenty Years of Experience

When it comes to hiring a company to complete a Commercial Property Inspection, you want to hire the right company not just anyone. Cliff Kapson Consulting has been providing inspections for 20+ years in the Naperville area and we would be thrilled to help you too. Give us a call at 888-304-3437 or fill out the form on this page and we’ll get back to you soon.

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